The Team


Candice Davis

Candice Davis

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I chose physiotherapy as a career as it combined being active and social in a medical setting. I loved all sport growing up and physiotherapy seemed a natural progression for me.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I have a keen interest in lower limb issues and spent 4 years working alongside a Knee Consultant as an extended scope knee practitioner. I also enjoy treating spinal and sacroiliac issues.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I love open water swimming and have swum the length of lake Windermere as-well as the English Channel and the Bosporus strait. I’m married and have a teenage son.
  • One interesting fact about you: My head has 2 titanium plates in it…
Charlie James

Charlie James

Chartered Physiotherapist


  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I chose physio because I really wanted to make people better. I decided age 15.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I don’t have a chosen area but I really believe holistic rehabilitation is the way forward. I look at the big picture and work out why a patient is using their body in a particular way, and if that’s causing them problems we gradually unpick this. Half my time is pure physio the other half is pilates.
  • One interesting fact about you: I’ve have been to 43 countries.
Fiona Howells

Fiona Howells

Hand Therapist


  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose hand physiotherapy as a career? Hands are incredibly complex, both the anatomy and the movement patterns involved, and they fascinate me! Our hands enable us to grasp and manipulate objects for our day-to-day tasks, but also express our emotions or touch.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I have worked as a specialist hand therapist for over 25 years and have a keen interest in trauma and post-op rehabilitation as well as long-term MSK conditions.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I enjoy walking and travelling, and I am married with 3 adult sons.
  • One interesting fact about you: I used to work oversees in Africa and India on development projects.
Gillian Pink

Gillian Pink

Chartered Physiotherapist


  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? physiotherapy was an obvious career choice for me as I wanted to work in healthcare, getting to understand people and work with them to improve physical and mental well-being through activity. I love seeing the extent that this can impact on someone’s life.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? All things MSK, particularly spines and hips.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: swimming, dressmaking, wordle
  • One interesting fact about you: recently qualified as a surf lifeguard
Sam Maund

Sam Maund

Chartered Physiotherapist


  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I broke my foot at 16 and discovered the fascinating world of physio as a result!
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I try and treat the body as a whole so am interested in all areas but spine and persisting pain conditions are my main passion.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: My garden and dog walks are my happy place.
  • One interesting fact about you: I have a degree in metalwork and silversmithing
Zoe Dennett

Zoe Dennett

Chartered Physiotherapist


  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? It was my path! I have developed a holistic approach after studying Acupuncture at Masters level and I love to use a variety of techniques including aquatic therapy to enable patients to achieve their goals by restoring movement and managing pain and fear.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I enjoy treating a mixture of orthopedic, trauma, sports injuries, and pain management. Also acupuncture and hydrotherapy.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I enjoy an active lifestyle of walking, cycling, sea swimming, going to the gym, and yoga.
  • One interesting fact about you: I use to be a DJ and once played at the Sealife aquarium!
Gregor Ross

Gregor Ross

Chartered physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: He/Him
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I like sport, I like helping people and I enjoy learning about the human body. Physiotherapy allows me to combine all these interests and help people lead as active a life as possible.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Knees, hips, sports, orthopaedics/surgery.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Running, cycling, triathlons, playing with my 2 little children (6 & 3)
  • One interesting fact about you: I completed the Ironman Wales in just under 12.5 hours back in 2015 (pre-children :-) )
Iain Weavers

Iain Weavers

Chartered physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: He/Him
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? To help people improve their health and wellbeing.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Lower limb, Sports
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Football, Tennis, Cycling
  • One interesting fact about you: I also work in elite sport and have a keen interest in sports injuries.
Gemma Freeman

Gemma Freeman

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I have always been very sporty and I didn't like to be injured so this naturally led me to learn about injury management, prevention and then physiotherapy.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I treat all musculoskeletal injuries. I have a particular interest in lower limb injuries and sports rehab.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I like doing anything that involves being active and outdoors. My main hobby/obsession is currently triathlon.
  • One interesting fact about you: I have recently completed a half ironman.
Michelle Mason

Michelle Mason

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I started volunteering at a Riding for the Disabled group (for my Duke of Edinburgh Awards) where I experienced first-hand the value of movement (albeit on horseback) on a person's physical and mental wellbeing. During this time, I worked very closely with someone who had been involved in a motorcycle accident that unfortunately left him paralysed. I enjoyed working closely with him and watching his mood lift and physical independence improve. The journey was so rewarding that I decided I wanted to make it my career which led me to become a physiotherapist. I have since had an enjoyable and varied career that started in the NHS as a rotational physiotherapist where undertook training in areas of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal medicine, stroke rehab, neurosurgery, oncology, respiratory including intensive care, and elderly care. I then worked as an amputee specialist which was incredibly humbling. I progressed to managing a team at a residential rehab unit for service personnel.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I enjoy working with all injuries and conditions
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Tennis
  • One interesting fact about you: I have climbed right to the very top of the shard (you have to go outside of the building)
Alice Campbell

Alice Campbell

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I love being active and believe strongly in the power of exercise and its effects on the body, brain and overall well being. If I can help people become active or keep people moving daily I feel fulfilled.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? General day-day injuries, sports and the active population - Pilates based rehab - Keen interest in ACL rehabilitation
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Running, pilates, travel, good food
  • One interesting fact about you: Vegemite over marmite any day
Caroline Garrett

Caroline Garrett

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronouns: she/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? Before training as a physio, I had various jobs including working in a nursing home with elderly people and also in a home for Autistic adults. I wanted a career which allowed me to include my passion for health and fitness, while working in a caring environment. I chose physiotherapy as it allowed me to incorporate all these things to help improve a person's health, well-being, and quality of life.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I have a particular interest in strength and conditioning and sports injury rehabilitation. I enjoy treating all areas of the body especially lower limb injuries and conditions of the hip, knee, and ankle joints.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Anything health and fitness related including cross-fit!
  • One interesting fact about you: Give me a piano accordion and I can throw out a few traditional Irish tunes.
Paul Hegenbarth

Paul Hegenbarth

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: He/Him
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I chose physio as a career as I find the combination of sport and exercise, injury management and human biology really interesting. I have a background in sports science, sports coaching and teaching and have played many sports since I was young. Putting this all together into a rehabilitation-based approach to promote activity and injury prevention has allowed me the opportunity to work in the UK, Australia and New Zealand in public, private and sporting settings.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Areas of particular interest to me are hip and knee injury and rehabilitation, working as an advanced practitioner in the NHS. I also have a keen interest in adolescent musculoskeletal injuries and having worked with regional and national level athletes. I also enjoy rehabilitating all clients back to their activities and sports that are important to them.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I enjoy playing racket sports, in particular tennis. I sea swim regularly and enjoy paddleboarding, travel and spending time with family and friends on the beach and South Downs.
  • One interesting fact about you: I bake more bread than I know what to do with.
Ali Orchard

Ali Orchard

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I wished to work in healthcare and enjoy being active so physiotherapy was the perfect choice.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I enjoy treating knees and shoulders and over the last seventeen years I have worked alongside a knee and shoulder consultant as an Extended Scope Physiotherapist. I have recently started working as an Extended Scope Physiotherapist in a hip clinic alongside a hip consultant.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Riding my horse over the South Downs, Paddle Boarding and Cooking.
  • One interesting fact about you: I once spent three months on a Kibbutz in Israel picking avocados.
Helene Bellas

Helene Bellas

Respiratory Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose cardiorespiratory physiotherapy as a career? I was always going to be a physio for dancers and then happened to come across the respiratory sector during my studies and it was as they say; "love at first sight".
  • What areas of your job are of particular interest to you? I love all aspects of respiratory physio which entails helping people manage breathlessness, cough, chest infections and physical activity for people with chronic lung disease. My absolute passion is breathing biomechanics/breathing pattern disorders across the spectrum of disease and beyond. Breathing well has such an impact on your general health and wellbeing.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work Countryside walks, mountain biking, paddle boarding and dancing the night away.
  • One interesting fact about you: I used to be a flamenco dancer!
Anbreen Khan

Anbreen Khan

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I like the fact it gave me the options to choose varied career paths fom various clinical settings owning a practice with business and marketing skills, to teaching at higher education institutions. All of which I have had the opportunity to do . I am able to apply academic areas of interest to real life. Most of all.. It fits in with my lifestyle.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Musculoskeletal, and neurology
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Tennis, fitness and nutrition. Culinary medicine, socials, creative / dress up events Love adventure and luxury travels and exposure to different landscapes and cultures!
  • One interesting fact about you: I have 2 cute minilop bunnies
Andy Laing

Andy Laing

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: Him/he
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I had a bad injury at 16 and had lots of rehab and thought it would be a great thing to do.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Spine rehabilitation and persistent pain management.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Mountain biking and the outdoors.
  • One interesting fact about you: I had a new bionic knee last year! (2023)
Tobias Bremer

Tobias Bremer

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: Oi
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I always had an interest in sports which took me down the route of physiotherapy.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? Running injuries.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: Running, cycling, hanging out with the family.
  • One interesting fact about you: Just one????? I'm pretty good at the music section of the pub quiz.
Nicki Cherry **FROM SEPTEMBER 2024**

Nicki Cherry **FROM SEPTEMBER 2024**

Chartered Physiotherapist

  • Pronoun: She/her
  • Why did you choose physiotherapy as a career? I wanted a varied career that combined healthcare, wellbeing and fitness.
  • What areas of physio are of particular interest to you? I love all aspects of upper limb rehab. I started working as a Hand Therapist in 1999 and I fell in love with the complexity of hand anatomy, splinting and the potential for functional rehab. In 2018, I started working for the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine and I have a special interest in working with musicians with upper limb injury and conditions.
  • Hobbies or interests outside of work: I love being outside; playing on the beach with my children, running by the river, dog walking, swimming and cycling. I’m also partial to a cream tea!
  • One interesting fact about you: I can play the harp!


Vickie Ryall

Vickie Ryall

Clinic Manager

Our amazing admin team are:

Nadra - Reception and Admin

Sarah - Reception and Admin

Kate - Reception and Admin

Jaia - Reception and Admin

Stella - Finance assistant

    Massage Therapists



    Massage Therapist

    We are very lucky to have two very experienced massage therapists who both listen to you and your body. Massage therapy involves the therapist manipulating the soft tissues of your body. The soft tissues includes muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and skin. The therapist varies the amount of pressure and movement.

    Massage is part of integrative medicine. Stride physios often recommend it with standard treatment. It can be used for a wide range of medical conditions.

    Studies of massage benefits have found massage can:

    • Help reduce stress.
    • Lessen pain and muscle tightness.
    • Increase relaxation.
    • Improve the work of the immune system.


      Sports Massage Therapist

      I am Level 4 Sports Massage qualified. I have experience working in chiropractor clinics and gyms. Massage therapy is a great way to complement other treatments and support a busy and active lifestyle. Treatments range from specific muscle recovery to general tension relief and wellbeing. Treatment and pressure are always adjusted for the clients individual needs.